Thursday 7 August 2008

Ruling Will Allow Home Tv Recording At Cable Companies

A federal appeals court in New York has overturned a lower-court opinion that halted New York cable operator Cablevision Systems from allowing customers to use its own servers to track record their favourite programs and play them back instead of having to use individual digital video recorders installed future to their TV sets. Broadcast and cable networks had argued that such an out-of-home system would infringe their copyrights and would boost users to skip commercials. Cablevision had responded that functionally the system would not dissent substantially from the settop DVRs that it presently provides to its subscribers. In an interview with the New York Times, Cablevision COO Tom Rutledge said that the decision "changes cable's competitive stance against satellite; it makes the services less expensive to provide; and it makes it easier to upgrade the services."


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